These are the beginnings of posts from the past few days. When I went back to edit them, I found them slightly amusing and thought I would share...
Tonight's (it actually has an end)
Humanity (from sometime earlier today)
Every day I get fed up with my own humanity. I want so badly to rid myself of this disease we were all born with. For example, every day I wake up thinking to myself, "Today I will be more productive. Today I will actually accomplish something. Today I will spend more time in prayer." Does any of it happen? Not very often. I'm tired of being tired and I'm tired of the excuse of being tired. Maybe one day I will wake up and actually finish a to-do list, or spend time the time I need to in prayer. Maybe I'll learn that I'm human and that that is okay. But for now, I think I'll just take a nap....
Fetus Mishaps (earlier this week)
I'm not quite sure what to blog about next, but I've been obsessed with writing a new ever since I posted the last one. Life is crazy, and this tiny fetus, well it's not very tiny these days, but it does make life impossible from time to time. I can only imagine what happens when it upgrades to baby status. I told Wade today that pregnant body just kicks my butt some days. Today I had to run an errand to help out one of my Goddaughters. Yes, I've started a collection of them. Anyway, I was hungry, so I decided to stop by Sonic and grab a snack before lunch. Because, seriously, all I want to do is eat most days. So, I decided on a healthy choice of mozzarella sticks and a cherry limeade. I know, not the greatest thing ever, but still, it was good. For about 45 minutes. And then I was sitting in my office and I had what Wade calls 'instant vomit'. Yes, appetizing, I know. At least I have my own little bathroom off of my office. So, needless to say, my day has been shot. I've slept all afternoon and haven't eaten anything but animal crackers, and those haven't even settled yet. Oh, goodness, the little one needs to hurry and grow. Grow so I can birth it. So I can be exhausted and sick in an entirely different way.... And yet, all I can think is that it is worth it. All the crap of pregnancy is worth it to feel the tiny feet waking me up too early, and way worth it to see the look of amazement on my husband's face when he felt the tiny bumps for the first time. Yes, friends. It is well worth every puking minute.
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