Thursday, March 25, 2010

The End

I've always heard the last few weeks of pregnancy can really be a drag.  I'm really trying not to see it that way.  Of course, I have reached the point in which I just don't believe that a baby is actually in there....  and Husband said he reached that point this morning.  I really have convinced myself that I will be 400 pounds with a 4 year old in my uterus...  Might make a good TV show.

I've decided to make a list of everything I have done that I wouldn't have if I didn't have a baby to wait on:

Found a great little antique/ flea market in Levelland
Started blogging again
Cleaned and organized the house in like and hour (I felt like I was on speed that night)
Sat at the goosepond (a pond in Levelland geese visit in the winter) on the one gorgeous day we had this week
Haven't gone to work in 2 weeks
Missed a great concert (it was 2 1/2 hours away)
Got addicted to Live! with Regis and Kelly, along with The View
Spent part of Spring Break with my mom in town (missed going anywhere for Spring Break)
Still sitting in PJ's at 1 in the afternoon (shower soon to follow this post)
Sit around wanting excruciating pain to start (seems a little crazy)

And here is a list of all the things I will get finished today due to this kid staying cozy:

Finish the pajama pants I started to make for Husband and I
Clean the house again
Make Husband dinner
Hang out with the bestie?  (I should call her...)
Go to work for 30 minutes to finish some things I need to finish

I think if I add anymore on to the list I won't get anything finished and then I would be really sad...  So, here's to a productive day!!!  Wish me luck!!!


  1. So glad you're finding the postive and being productive while you play the waiting game. I usually just cried and ate lots of ice cream :p

  2. I thought I was the only pregnant person convinced there was no baby :)
    Hang in there! Talk to the baby, tell her you can't wait to meet her. Maybe you'll convince her to make a move!
    And don't worry too much about the pain - I'm going to cause a riot and say for me, it wasn't that bad.
