Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Signs of a Blessed Pregnant Woman

Many days I sit back and thank God for the many blessings in life.  This past week has been one filled with God's blessings through many different people.  I must admit that lately I have been tired and overwhelmed from different things in life, and of course God provides us with more grace and understanding than we can handle.  It's a good thing.

Let me start with a co-worker of Wade's.  She called and said, 'I know what it's like this stage in the pregnancy, I want to come clean your house.'  Um, I would have been an idiot not to take her up on this offer.  It made me cry a little, seeing as I hadn't had the energy or willpower to even do the dishes in like 2 weeks.  So, we got kicked out of our house and went on a date and got home and the house was spit-shined and amazing!  I've never been able to get my floors this clean.  Seriously.  Blessing #1.

Number Dos:  Friends.  They are like gold.  I have had some great times with some around here lately.  From our super short Super Bowl party (a sign that we are getting all growned up.)  To the days I get to spend with my new, dear friend Megan.  I'm telling you, it takes a true friend to go with you to a breastfeeding workshop when she's not even preggers.  Of course, we went to the bead store, Chick-fil-A and looked for Valentine's stuff for the hubbies.  It was a relaxing night out.  (Although the workshop was simply a joke of a DVD.)  Definitely a needed evening of pure joy and fun.

And probably my favorite pregnant blessing of the week (besides the fact that I have life growing within me, that's a constant one, though) is this:  the other night I had been so tired, I think I slept on average about 13 hours this past weekend, anyway, I mentioned how great a bubble bath would be.  The next thing I knew, my wonderful husband had scrubbed the tub down (although I think it had been scrubbed previously by afore mentioned house cleaning) and then he drew me a nice warm bubble bath, complete with my current read, a hot cup of peppermint tea, and candlelight.  It was so relaxing, I think I spent at least an hour and a half in the tub while Husband and Dog were playing on the ukulele.  In fact, I think I may repeat that about right now....

May every pregnant woman have as many great people in her life as I do!

1 comment:

  1. oh that's sooo sweet :-) what a wonderful husband!
