Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Story of Humanity

It's Wishcasting Wednesday!  I'm trying to get back in the habit of writing regularly, so I figured that even though it's late on Wednesday, I should still participate.  And what a week to get back in the saddle.  Here is this week's question:

What story do you wish to live or let go of?

Where does a person start with that question?  It has so many levels and depths to it, just reading the question.  And as I sit here and think about it, I don't know which layer to reveal.  I think for tonight, both the living and the letting go take me to my ministry.  I don't like to refer to it as a job, because it is so much more than that.  If it was only a job I would have quit a long time ago.

So the living  part...
I want to live the story of a disciple.  Maybe the story of St. Peter who was out fishing all day and caught nothing and had the guts to listen to a man who told him to cast the net on the other side.  And low and behold, he caught so many fish that his net busted.  To have that faith.  To just follow that man with no strings attached, that's the story I want to live.  Or maybe the story of the woman, known as a sinner, who showed up and washed Jesus' feet with her hair and perfume and didn't care what other people thought.  She knew who she was, and she knew who Jesus was, and she acted and lived on that.  THAT is the story I want to live.  I want to live as a person of faith, as a person who continually tries to show other people the faith, as a person madly in love with my Creator, and letting that love shine.

Actually trying to live that story is another matter, but that's where the letting go comes in.  The story I want to let go of, I want to let go of my humanity.  I want the divine to shine through.  Although impossible, that's what I would like to let go of.  Of course, I think that's why we even need faith.  It helps us to reconcile our humanity to the divine.  It allows us to experience the divine why we are stuck in these mortal bodies, to go beyond the realms of this world, to realize that through our humanity we get to encounter the divine.  And there, I have talked that into a complete circle.  Maybe I don't need to let go of my humanity, but embrace it.  To love it and to acknowledge that with my humanity I get to experience the divine.

So, there's my wish for this week.

To live the story of a broken soul slowly learning to accept my humanity to encounter my God.


  1. as sadie wishes for herself, so i lovingly wish for her also!

  2. As Sadie wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.

  3. "To live the story of a broken soul slowly learning to accept my humanity to encounter my God." your words written are lovely and speak cleary of the story you wish to Sadie wishes for herself so I wish for her too...may you continue to walk in those steps you choose...brightest blessings~

  4. As Sadie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  5. As Sadie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  6. As Sadie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  7. As Sadie wishes for herself, so do I wish for her also.

    May you be a guiding light. Your post was beautiful and I wish I had that faith too.

    Bless you.
