Today I decided to play along with my friend from The End of my Rope who plays along with Magpie Girl. Today's project: list 8 small things you are grateful for, and seeing as I need to get out of this black mood that seems to match the dreary weather outside, here I am.
And here are 8 small things I am thankful for:
1. Being sandwiched between the two loves of my life. (The husband and the kid.) Nothing can make you feel more loved than that!
2. This amazingly delicious steaming cup of freshly ground coffee.
3. Being able to take a jog last night. The first of many since Evalyn was born!
4. Baby cuddles. They never get old for me. Hopefully they won't ever get old for her, either!
5. Being Catholic.
6. Scrabble with the husband. (Mostly because I'm winning this time. ;) )
7. Living among a community, and actually knowing people. It's a nice change from the nomadic life I held before.
8. Thoughts. Being able to think for myself.
What are you thankful for?
I love Magpie Girl but haven't done her 8Things series yet...may have to give it a try...