Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Road Less Traveled

This week on Wishcasting Wednesday we are asked a seemingly simple question:

What do you wish to know?

There are so many things I wish to know.  I think the biggest one on my mind right now is how to take the high road.  How do I be the bigger person?  Because I truly wish to,  but avoidance isn't going to do any good....  and I'm afraid if I encounter a certain person today then I will for sure not be able to take the road less traveled. So how do I handle a sticky situation with poise and grace?

I guess if we all could figure that out, the world would be a much more peaceful place to live.


  1. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.

    ( your style is adorable! )

  2. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well!

  3. I, personally, try to channel Claire Huxtable in these situations. I ask, WWCHD? (What would Claire Huxtable do?). She's generally spot on :-).

    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also!

  4. Ooh I hate those situations, sometimes it can be so difficult to take the high road. However think of it as a mountain. You can stay in the dense forest or climb above where the view is spectacular! Good Luck!
    As Sadie wishes for herself, so I wish also.

  5. I hear yah on this one girl , I must encounter this issue everytime I see my brother n law. Thats why I avoid him as much as I can .

    As Sadie wishes for herself , I wish for her also.

  6. Oh, that is a tough one. Wishing you lots of love and patience today.

    As Sadie wishes for herself, so I sincerely wish for her also.

  7. as sadie wishes for herself, so i wish for her also.

    sometimes that is a very rough road.

  8. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you as well. Good luck with finding that high road! At least you are seeking it.

  9. As you wish for yourself I wish for you as well. The high road can be difficult to follow. Love the picture at the top of your blog!

  10. When you know it - I hope you'll pull me along with you - taking the high road seems just beyond my grasp these days. As Sadie wishes for herself, so do I wish for her also!

  11. UUUm. I guess I'm supposed to say as Sadie wishes for herself, I wish for her also.
    I'd say a roundkick to the cranium fixes all your problems.
